Frequently Asked Questions at Network Family Chiropractic’s Asheville Office
Frequently Asked Questions at Network Family Chiropractic
Research has documented that increased flexibility, increased inner awareness, and an improved quality of life have been reported by individuals in Network Chiropractic offices.
The relationship of the individual to his or her environment is dependent upon a clear and flexible nervous system. The individual who is clear of interference in his or her nervous system has a more effective connection between his or her emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects.
Chiropractic spinal adjustments remove interference to the nervous system’s tension and function.
The brain and spinal cord are one connected unit. The spinal cord, as it passes through the neck and back, is the main conduit from the brain for energy relay and coordination. This soft, vital spinal cord is protected by hard bones called vertebrae. Between the vertebrae are shock absorbing cushions known as discs. Vital spinal nerves emanate from the cord, pass through openings between the vertebrae, and relay the life-force directed by your innate intelligence.
Through an extensive nerve network, your innate intelligence (inborn wisdom) coordinates all functions and regenerates and animates all body parts.
Every cell of the body is stirred to life by its reception of this vital life energy, and its reality is determined by the quality and quantity of nerve impulses.
When individuals function with a clear and flexible nervous system, they are better able to recover from life’s challenges. They adapt to changes more easily and are better able to heal and express their health capacities. Stress on the spinal cord, nerves and vertebrae can create mechanical tension. This may interfere with the flow of vital life force and the coordination of all life processes. When these things occur, it is called a vertebral subluxation. Chiropractors are concerned about the presence of vertebral subluxations. They seek to detect and correct these interferences to the flow of life through spinal adjustments.
NETWORK SPINAL ANALYSIS was developed by Dr. Donald Epstein, who teaches chiropractors across the nation and throughout the world.
Network Spinal Analysis is a clinical assessment of the spine utilizing traditional chiropractic methods while employing concepts derived from a variety of health professions and theoretical sciences.
Network is a rapidly growing and evolving system assessing and contributing to spinal and neural integrity, health, and wellness.
The Objective of Network is to assess and correct two classes of vertebral subluxation (facilitated and structural), using safe, ‘hands on,’ low force adjustments to the spine.
“All subluxations are not created equal,” states Dr. Donald Epstein, developer of Network Spinal Analysis. Vertebral subluxations may be caused by information overload. Different types of stress may result in different types of subluxations.
The model of Network Spinal Analysis classifies subluxations into two types:
1) Structural Subluxation: compression, or squeezing of the nerve as it passes through the opening between the vertebrae. It is commonly called a pinched nerve. This is the result of a mechanical or physical stress from which the body can not recover.
2) Facilitated Subluxation: an elongation or twisting of the spinal cord and associated nervous tissue. This is most likely associated with emotional, mental, or chemical stress from which the body-mind could not recover.
Changes in your environment (physical, chemical, mental, or emotional) create stress. Your brain must access the situation and react to it. You have the capacity to respond to stress as a part of normal, everyday life. However, when you exceed your capacity, you must either change for the better and grow, or express symptoms and disease.
Your brain and body can handle an enormous amount of stress. Beyond a certain point, your system becomes overloaded. The combined effect of a variety of stresses and the inability of the nervous system to deal with them can produce vertebral subluxations. These subluxations involve elongation, twisting, or compression of the system resulting in a persistent misalignment of the spinal vertebrae. The resulting interference disrupts the nervous system’s natural ability to assemble and sort out neurological instructions. Like a computer, if the input (messages to the system) is distorted, then the output (messages from the nervous system to the body cells) will also be distorted.
When the nervous system is overloaded or “stressed out,” it will not be as able to function and adapt to challenges in the environment. At some point, the body-mind may produce warning signs in the form of symptoms. To focus attention on combating the symptoms does nothing to increase the adaptability and functional capacity of the body. Symptoms indicate change is necessary. Improving the health and functioning of the spine and nervous system assists the body in healing.
According to the nature and location of vertebral subluxations and the level of care you are experiencing, your practitioner will use the method of adjustment to which you best respond. The “adjustment” is created by the body’s response to the chiropractor’s applied force. The force used to reduce and correct the vertebral subluxation may be gentle or firm, depending on what your body needs.
How do you know the vertebral subluxation has been reduced or corrected?
The interference from vertebral subluxation is like a rock obstructing the natural flow of a mountain stream. Normally, that life force would flow from above down, and like all generated life energy, from the inside out. When there is interference to the fluid flow of life’s energy, it creates a disharmonious relationship of the physical, emotional, or mental aspects of oneself.
When the pressure of vertebral subluxation is alleviated, and proper spinal alignment restored, that life force energy is released, to resume its natural flow. You will get to know when you are subluxation free and you will experience an increase in productivity, efficiency, and ease.
In analyzing the most successful, dynamic and innovative corporations, John Naisbitt, author of Reinventing the Corporation, defines alignment: “When people work to their full capacity, when they feel in sync with their co-workers, when everything comes together on cue, though completely unplanned, alignment is present.” Such organizations “possess vision, mastery, and the ability to integrate intuition and rationality, to see the company as a whole, and create structures that further that whole.”
Imagine you are stuck in traffic. There is congestion in the flow of automobiles on the road. Suddenly the road clears in front of you. There was no accident, no stalled car.
What caused the traffic? If you were to examine each of the cars for physical trouble, you would no doubt find transmissions that needed repair, oil that needed to be changed, faulty steering and pollution control devices. However, did these physical deviations from optimum cause the traffic? Would correction of these “problems” correct the traffic situation? No! Traffic is a function of the relationship between individual automobiles on the road. There is a relationship between the local driving in each car to the global traffic situation.
The same is true with health of your body. Health is about how the individual parts relate to one another. Does one part of the body pick up the slack for the other part, which may be functioning a little less? The flow of energy between the parts and the coordination center (the brain and spinal cord) and the rest of you is what determines your health.
The chiropractor using Network Spinal Analysis understands that your spinal health is a function of the relationship of your body’s parts. It is the role of the nervous system to coordinate all body parts and functions, establishing and maintaining appropriate relationships. It is a function of the movement of the individual spinal bones, and their relationship to the muscles, connective tissues, and vital nerves. As you move, are each of the vertebra functioning in relationship to one another, or is there a structural, energetic and communication traffic jam?
With each vertebra that is adjusted, both your doctor and you will become aware of how the rest of the spine responds. Rather than viewing a particular vertebra as an isolated problem, he or she will adjust each vertebra in relationship to the rest of your spine and its natural self-correcting capacities.
For example: You may have a swayed pelvis with tight muscles in your lower back protecting the lower spinal nerves. Consequently, your middle back may become slightly twisted, distorted and misaligned, pressing, or twisting the nerves in the areas between the shoulder blades. This effects the energy flow to the part coordinated by these nerves. The chiropractor will think globally about your spinal situation, and then locally address whatever subluxation appeared to initiate the total picture.
Often a specific adjustment may involve a gentle touch at a place far removed from the region of greatest distortion. In the example above, a specific correction with barely a touch to the upper neck may be the local action taken to create an unwinding or release of spinal tension and interference patterns. Within seconds, you may experience a release of tension in the lower spine, and an “unkinking” of the middle back, as your body “globally” responds to restore your natural state of ease.
As you are evaluated and adjusted through each of four levels of care, your doctor will consider a larger and larger circle of relationships between your spinal segments.
Your chiropractor will regularly “check in” with you through a series of quality of life inventories, which you will be asked to complete. You can monitor the actual changes that have occurred in your spine, nervous system, your health, and quality of life, as your N.S.A. practitioner evaluates and adjusts your spine.
Over time, your body may globally make its own corrections as a result of specific local actions.
A local interference to the expression of your body’s healing intelligence and forces can have a global effect on your health and quality of life. As the health of individuals in any locality improves, a more naturally peaceful state can evolve in our global community.
We are more interested in the person who has the “disease,” than in the disease that has the person!